This pack contains 4 Brand New reskins for the Armstrong Powerhouse Class 37 as well as an optional texture update for the Just Trains RHTT’s that come with the Class 20 Advanced Addon Pack, Volume 1 depicts the modern era Direct Rail Services class 37s all with accurate and detailed RHTT weathering to recreate scenes of the network rail RHTT months.
Features -
* Accurate and Detailed Weathering Applications
* Better Colourisation of RHTT Weathering
* JT RHTT Texture Update (To Match 37s)
The texture upgrade for the Just Trains RHTT’s is an optional mod to improve the weathering effects of the stock, please note this does overwrite the original weathered variant of the RHTT set and separate reskins were not possible as we were unable to skin a full set.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Anyone who has updated or installed there Armstrong Powerhouse Class 37 packs since the 28/08/2023 please install the AP Class 37 Patch supplied within this addon.

Main Requirements:
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 37 Locomotive Pack Vol.1
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 37 Locomotive Pack Vol.2
Just Trains Class 20 "Advanced" Locomotive Pack (For RHTT Mod)
More information can be found in the user manual
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